Stragic Turnaround Blueprint

Elevate Your Leadership and Strategy in Less Than 30 Days!

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Transform Your Leadership: Special Strategic Turnaround Blueprint Offer!

Attention Visionary CEOs, Business-Savvy CTOs, Innovative Founders, and Change-Driven Executives!

Are you ready to elevate your organization’s strategy in less than 30 days? Our exclusive Strategic Turnaround Blueprint is designed to give you the insights, tools, and confidence to navigate today’s dynamic business landscape.

What’s in it for you?

– A tailor-made strategy that fits your unique challenges.
– A deep dive into your organization’s capabilities and potential.
– Gain unparalleled strategic situational awareness.
– Empower your team with actionable steps and clear direction.

Why choose this offer?

– Fast and effective: See transformational results in less than 30 days.
– Customized for your needs: Your organization is unique, and so should be your strategy.
– Stay ahead: Anticipate industry shifts and potential disruptions.

This special offer is not just a consultancy service; it’s a partnership for your
strategic success. For just €999, you’re not just getting a blueprint; you’re setting a new course for your organization.

Click here to learn more and seize this limited-time opportunity!

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Even visionary leaders can struggle with rapid market shifts and internal resistance, risking obsolescence in a fast-changing business world.

Traditional consulting models often rely on outdated, one-size-fits-all strategies and over-complicated frameworks, consuming excessive time and resources without addressing the unique challenges and dynamic nature of your business.

Rapid Market Shifts

Rapid changes in the market, including technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors, can outpace an organization’s ability to adapt.

Companies may find themselves unable to compete effectively, losing market share to more agile competitors who are better attuned to current trends.

Internal Resistance

Resistance to change within an organization, whether due to cultural inertia, fear of the unknown, or lack of alignment among team members, can significantly slow down or even derail strategic initiatives.

This resistance leads to missed opportunities, decreased employee morale, and an inability to implement necessary changes, resulting in stagnation or decline in business performance.

Difficulty in Achieving Impactful Turnarounds

The complexity of orchestrating a successful strategic turnaround, especially under tight time constraints, poses a significant challenge. This includes aligning various parts of the organization, reallocating resources, and reassessing business models.

Without a clear and effective strategy, turnarounds may lack focus and impact, leading to wasted resources, confusion within the organization, and ultimately, failure to achieve the desired transformation.


The high price of ineffective strategies

In today’s competitive business landscape, relying on outdated or generic strategic solutions can be a costly misstep.

Here’s what sticking with conventional methods might be costing you:

Extended Timeframes

Traditional consulting approaches can drag on, taking twice as long to implement with uncertain outcomes. This delay not only slows down progress but also means lost opportunities and revenue as market dynamics continue to evolve.

Quality of Outcomes

Conventional strategies often lack customization and fail to align with your specific business needs and market context. This one-size-fits-all approach results in suboptimal solutions that don’t fully address your unique challenges, leading to mediocre results and hindered growth.

Misallocated Resources

Time is a valuable asset, and spending it on ineffective strategic planning is a significant waste. Instead of focusing on core business activities and growth opportunities, leaders are bogged down by cumbersome and unproductive strategic processes.

Opportunity Costs

While you’re tied up with ineffective strategies, your competitors who adopt more agile and tailored approaches might be capturing market share, innovating, and moving ahead.

Stress and Frustration

Dealing with the inefficiencies of outdated strategic methods adds unnecessary stress and diverts your attention from critical business decisions and leadership responsibilities.


Transformative strategic consulting for the modern leader

I offer bespoke strategic consulting, specializing in rapid turnarounds for businesses facing today’s fast-paced market changes. Utilizing innovative methods like Wardley Mapping, I equip leaders with tailored strategies for immediate impact and long-term success in a dynamic business environment. My service is ideal for CEOs, CTOs, founders, and executives aiming to stay ahead of the curve and drive meaningful change.

Customized Strategic Solutions

Tailoring strategies specifically to your organization’s unique needs and goals ensures more effective and impactful outcomes, directly addressing your specific challenges and leveraging your unique strengths.

Rapid Adaptation to Market Changes

Our approach enables businesses to swiftly adjust and respond to the fast-paced, ever-changing market conditions, keeping you competitive and ahead of industry shifts.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Utilizing advanced tools like Wardley Mapping, we provide deep insights and clarity, empowering leaders to make more informed and strategic decisions, thus enhancing the overall direction and effectiveness of your organization.

Long-Term Success and Growth

Beyond immediate results, our service is geared towards building a solid foundation for sustained growth and success, positioning your organization for future opportunities and continuous improvement in a dynamic business landscape.

Discover a smarter path forward

Embrace a solution that outperforms traditional methods, delivering value and results where others fall short. Our approach addresses the key issues faced by modern businesses, offering a distinct edge.


Precision-Tailored Strategies

I craft strategies that are meticulously tailored to your organization’s specific needs and objectives. This personalized approach ensures solutions that are not only effective but also resonate deeply with your unique business context.


“We don’t have a one-size-fits-all strategy. Isn’t it complicated to create a tailored one?”


Our process is straightforward and user-friendly. We distill complex strategic insights into clear, actionable steps, making it as simple as following a recipe – yes, even grandma-friendly!


While our methods are grounded in advanced strategic principles, they are designed with non-technical leaders in mind. You don’t need a background in strategy or analytics to benefit from our tailored solutions.

Hanno helped us to arrive at the core challenge in our strategy very quickly and was able to lead us to our core insights rapidly.
He helped map our current environment, possible strategic scenarios and threats.
We agreed on alternative courses of action and further directions to develop in more detail. His insights and perspective were valuable in getting us to this point in record time.

Regina Raukas

Chairman of the Executive Board Tallinna Jäätmete Taaskasutuskeskus AS

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Agile and Adaptive Planning

In a world where market conditions shift rapidly, our service equips you to respond with agility and confidence. Stay ahead of the curve with strategies that are flexible and adaptive, designed to thrive amidst change.


“Agility sounds great, but isn’t it just another buzzword that’s hard to implement?”


Our approach to agile planning is as intuitive as adjusting your route on a GPS. We guide you through each step, ensuring it’s easy to adapt as the market landscape changes.


While agility requires a sophisticated understanding of market dynamics, our tools and guidance make it accessible, even for those with minimal technical expertise.

The Georg Ots Tallinn Music College needed set a new strategy to move to a more student outcome focused organisation. Hanno helped us to agree on a strategic focus and to turn our organisation in a new direction in record time.
An outside expert gave us the perspective to look at our organisation and its role in the society in a novel way and gave me the opportunity to adjust my own role throughout the process.
His expertise and guidance helped us to focus on the critical issues of our process and got us to results faster, with more confidence and less stress.
The positive changes that I see in the behaviors and attitudes of our people have taken root and have lead to a host of new services and international opportunities. Compared with our peers, the school has been able to conduct changes at an unprecedented speed and is currently serving as an exemplar to others.

Ivo Lille

Head Master, Georg Ots Tallinn Music College


Enhanced Decision-Making

Utilizing advanced tools like Wardley Mapping, we provide deep insights and clarity, empowering leaders to make more informed and strategic decisions, thus enhancing the overall direction and effectiveness of your organization.


“Data analysis sounds complex. How can I make sense of it all?”


Think of our analytical tools as a smart assistant that simplifies data into clear, understandable insights, much like how a fitness tracker simplifies health data into easy-to-understand metrics.


My methods are designed for usability. You don’t need to be a data scientist to understand these insights. I translate technical data into straightforward, actionable intelligence.

Hanno is… something else. His unique charisma, deep industry knowledge, no-bullshit mentality, and endless analogies & idioms guides you towards the right solution without giving you an answer straight away. To be honest, I don’t think Hanno knows all the answers, but he does know to ask the right questions and is more than willing to go on a journey with you to seek out the answers together. True partner that any enterprise would benefit from – does it with you not for you (unless that’s what you truly need), which has a larger ROI in the long run.
Hanno helped us at Krakul to redefine our value proposition. Being in a service & consulting business you need to have the right mindset and be focused on maximizing the value to the end customer. We went from just providing the engineering services to being technology partners for many of our clients, mainly because of Hanno’s guidance, vision and mantra. He helped our development teams to be more agile and efficient (but not too efficient!), our management to develop a strategy for a better fee system, our sales to have more focused sales pitches and find the economic buyer, and our marketing to have a more streamlined and direct approach to finding new leads.
10/10 would recommend!

Kristjan Tozen

CEO, Krakul, Estonia's leading product development consultancy

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Sustainable Growth and Innovation

Our focus extends beyond immediate results, setting your organization on a trajectory for ongoing growth and innovation. We lay the groundwork for a future where your business continuously evolves and leads.


Sustainable growth is challenging. How can your service make it easier?


Our strategy for sustainable growth is as straightforward as planting a garden – nurturing the right conditions leads to continual growth and bloom. We provide the tools and guidance to make this process natural and intuitive.


While the concept of sustainable growth is complex, our service breaks it down into manageable, non-technical steps, ensuring that anyone in your organization can grasp and apply these principles.

As a result of our cooperation we have markedly improved our profitability, revenue and moved further up the value chain. Changes in our strategy, marketing, sales and delivery have resulted in both significantly improved customer outcomes and employee satisfaction.

We are now have deeper relationships with our customers and are making a bigger impact on their bottom lines in more countries and industries.

Priit Kongo

Founder, Net Group


How my consultancy solves the problem

My strategic consulting service offers a unique blend of features and benefits that directly address the core challenges faced by modern leaders and organizations.

A Personalized Blueprint

Receive a custom-crafted Strategic Turnaround Blueprint, meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of your organization.

Interactive Workshops

Engage in three 90-minute intensive workshops, where we collaborate to map out your current value stream and capabilities, providing a hands-on, immersive experience.

Exclusive Tools and Resources

Gain access to our suite of exclusive tools and resources, including the innovative Wardley Mapping techniques, empowering you with cutting-edge strategic planning tools.

Customized Strategic Report

Obtain a detailed report that outlines your organization’s strategic situational awareness, complete with actionable steps for improvement, ensuring you have a clear path forward.

🌟 Transform Your Strategy with Expert Insights! 🌟

Are you ready to tackle your strategic challenges and explore how our services can revolutionize your organization’s future? Book a personalized, free 30-minute strategy session with Hanno, our seasoned strategic expert.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • Initial Diagnosis: Discuss your specific challenges and pain points in a focused conversation.
  • Customized Insights: Receive expert insights tailored to your unique situation.
  • Understanding Our Service: Learn exactly how our Strategic Turnaround Blueprint can work for you.
  • No-Obligation Consultation: This is your opportunity to ask questions and understand the potential impact without any commitment.

Don’t Miss Out!

These sessions are in high demand. Secure your spot now and take the first step towards empowering your organization with a strategy designed for today’s dynamic business landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Features and objections you want to mention that aren’t outlined in the sections above.

What exactly does the Strategic Turnaround Blueprint involve?

The Strategic Turnaround Blueprint is a comprehensive, customized strategy plan. It involves analyzing your current business state, identifying key areas for improvement, and developing a tailored strategy using innovative tools like Wardley Mapping. The blueprint focuses on aligning your strategic goals with market realities for effective decision-making and sustainable growth.

How is this service different from traditional business consulting?

Unlike traditional consulting, which often relies on generic, one-size-fits-all solutions, our service is highly personalized and adaptive. We focus on rapid, agile strategy development that’s specifically tailored to your business’s unique needs and challenges. Our use of advanced tools like Wardley Mapping also sets us apart, providing deeper insights and more actionable strategies.

Will this service be relevant to my specific industry?

We value your time and have designed our services to be as efficient as possible. The initial blueprint process involves three 90-minute workshops, along with some additional time for data gathering and discussions. We aim to minimize disruption to your daily operations while maximizing the value and impact of our service.

Why should I book a call with Hanno?

Booking a call with Hanno is a great opportunity to discuss your specific challenges and goals directly with an expert. It’s a chance to receive initial insights and understand how our Strategic Turnaround Blueprint can be tailored to your needs. This call is a no-obligation, high-value opportunity to explore how we can help transform your organization’s strategy for lasting success.

Partnering with Hanno and his team for the Strategic Turnaround Blueprint was a game-changer for our organization. In just a short period, we saw profound changes in our strategic approach, which translated into measurable business results. The level of personalization and attention to detail in understanding our unique challenges was exceptional. This isn’t just another consulting service; it’s a transformative experience that redefines the way you look at your business and its potential. If you’re on the fence about this, I urge you to take the leap – it’s an investment in your organization’s future that pays off manifold.

Mikko Prii, Founder and CEO of

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